Lepenski Vir Adventure

Cell Phone & Viber & WhatsApp: 00381607500767

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(The longest one-day hiking tour in Serbia, only for the persistent and hardy)

You can walk through the centuries-old forests of the "Djerdap" National Park, visit the most beautiful cave in Serbia, pass through a short but impressive canyon and visit the oldest human settlement in Europe.

It is an adventure that includes a tour of the unique Rajko's Cave (it is located 2.5 km from the city), a approximately 25 km hike from Majdanpek to the Danube (hiking through the canyon of the Boljetinska River, which is about 2 km downstream from the settlement of Lepenaca) and a tour of the archaeological site "Lepenski vir".

Route: Rajko's Cave - Radenks Stage - Paskova River Abyss - Wolf Valley (in Wallachian: Valja Lupjaska) - Kulma Orba - Boljetin Village - Boljetinska River Canyon - Lepenski Vir.

The total time required for the march from Rajko's Cave to Lepenski Vir is about 8 hours. The trail is easy with only one short climb.

Rajko's cave is very rich in cave jewelry of fairy-tale shapes (the jewelry is made of the highest quality white crystalline calcite). The corridors of the Rajko Cave are over two kilometers long and are divided into river and dry horizons.

The temperature of the cave is a constant 8 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is 100%, which is why warmer clothes are recommended for visiting the cave, even in the summer. The length of the trail, accessible to visitors, inside the Rajko Cave is about 1.4 kilometers. Stay in the cave: about 45 minutes.

The canyon of the Boljetinska river (small but picturesque) is under the protection of the state as a geoheritage object of Serbia. It was created by cutting the Boljetinska river into sedimentary rocks from the Mesozoic era. In the canyon of the Boljetinska River, layers of sediments, deposited over millions of years, in the period from 170 to 113 million years ago, when this area belonged to the Tethys Ocean, are visible. Various representatives of cephalopods lived in the aforementioned ocean - as evidenced by their preserved fossils, which can still be found in rocks today.

Lepenski Vir is the oldest Homosapiens settlement in Europe. It is about the first organized human settlement in the open air (the site is located in the Djerdap gorge) which was founded more than eight thousand years ago. The Lepen people carefully chose this location and formed a culture there that lasted two thousand years continuously, from 6500 to 4500 BC. The discovery of the Lepenski Vir site occurred during extensive research in Djerdap, which was carried out due to the construction of the Djerdap I hydroelectric power station. Acquaintance with their way of life, architecture and unique stone sculptures - fish-like faces of people. On-site stay: about 45 minutes.

This adventure does not require an excessively high level of fitness and is suitable for:

- Teams and team building

- Hanging out with friends

- Challenge seeking individuals and photography enthusiasts

- Families with older children

- Walking with pets

The march to Lepenski Vir can be organized at any time, throughout the year.

Very important:

The length of the route is about 25 kilometers (the duration of the whole adventure is about 8-9 hours).

The height difference from the lowest to the highest point is 300 meters.

Adventure participants must be physically fit for hiking and without health problems.

The guide reserves the right to shorten or change the course of movement due to unfavorable weather conditions.

We suggest you bring: hiking shoes, spare clothes, windbreaker, raincoat (in case of rain), hat and flashlight or headlamp.


Price for hiring a tourist guide is 120,00 EUR (this is the total price for a group of up to 4 people).

In case you have a larger group of adventurers (for groups of 5 or more people) - call the agency for the price of this adventure.

For more information about the mentioned routes and to hire a guide - call the Mirno More agency

Agency Mirno More 

Phone: 00381607500767

E-mail: moremirno@gmail.com

Viber or WhatsApp: 00381607500767

Instagram: @rademisirac

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